We Are Ready.


Monica M. Rivera, Founder

I'm Monica Rivera, a first-generation Latina from NYC who is a marketing professional by day, podcaster by passion and keynote speaker. After 15 years in Corporate America, I was feeling stuck. I devoured self-help books and watched dozens of TED Talks looking for an answer, but every time an expert encouraged me to "follow my passion," I felt worse. 

 A self-proclaimed multi-potentialiate (just a fancy word for someone who has many interests), I used to think something must be wrong with me because I couldn't settle on ONE thing.

I created and launched the weekly podcast, YOU WANNA DO WHAT?! in 2017 after deciding that NO ONE is just one thing. We are layered and complex and fickle and creative. We are full of dreams, ideas, and goals. For years I had lost sight of mine, but I'm back and I'm here to help you see success beyond a job title and a paycheck.

Storytelling connects us and my signature approach comes down to giving professionals permission to pursue their personal goals through relatable stories and practical solutions. 

I’ve worked with amazing companies like NPR,Thrive Global, Like a Boss Girls, SAP, Citigroup and Verizon. I have spoken on stages at TEDx Flatbush, Brooklyn Tech, Podfest Multimedia Expo, Podcast Movement and many more.

Monica M Rivera YOU WANNA DO WHAT podcast